Posts Tagged ‘approachable


Social Media Day: A Daunting Day For Some

Social Media Day, June 30, 2010It always amazes me.

As the lead up to events such as Social Media Day, I get excited and want to share the event with more than just the community of bright minds that work in social media or related fields.


I want to share it with the people I network with. Some spends loads of time on online communities or social networks. Others stay away from the social web as much as they possibly can. But the one thing that unifies all of these people is that they are people I want to socialize with.

In person.

Ideally, at an event.

Yet, in my experience, attending something like Mashable’s San Francisco event today can be a daunting, if not downright terrifying experience.

For example, I have recently spent quite a lot of time working on projects related to small and medium business owners. In learning the persona of these entrepreneurs, many are social media savvy, but almost all characterize themselves as “behind” or unable to understand how much time to spend on social networks versus their core business.

These issues can lead to frustration and the feeling that they won’t be able to make conversation with the ‘experts’ that attend these events – when they may be the ones who could benefit the most!

All this to say, I often find the term ‘social’ in ‘social media’ funny in that it’s not an all-inclusive, accessible world for all.

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Instructor: Facebook Marketing: Build a Fan Base and grow your business with a Facebook Page. Online course- mediabistro. November 10 - December 15, Wednesdays, 9-10 PM EST. Click on the link for additional details and to register.

Speaker: San Francisco Blogging Club Invited guest speaker. Monday, November 15, 5:30 PST, Minna Gallery, San Francisco.

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